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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the mailing address for Groton Dunstable Youth Softball?
A: Please send any mailing correspondence to:
    P.O. Box 742
    Groton, MA 01450
Q: How can I get involved and help with the league?
A: GDYSL is always looking for volunteers!  Please check our volunteer opportunities page for more information.

Q: What are the registration fees and what is included?
A: The Spring 2024 registration fees include the following items:


6U: $80
8U: $80
10U+: $130

Team T-Shirt and Socks, belt for 10U+
Umpire Fees
League Player's Insurance
USA Softball Registration

Q: What equipment does my player need?
A:  Players will need the following equipment which is NOT provided by the league:

Softball/baseball pants
- Starting in 2024, all players in 10U/12U/15U (grades 3 and up) will wear black softball pants to accompany the new jersey style.  It's best to try these on in store as sizes vary quite a bit by brand.  For players in 8U (grades 1/2), black is suggested but grey is also acceptable if that is what you have.  Not needed for 6U (Pre-K/K). 

*Spare Socks - The league will provide socks as part of the uniform fee. For those who would like to purchase spare socks, we use TCK ProSport grey for 10U and up.  You can purchase a spare pair online or in-store at Center Sports in Chelmsford.

Cleats - Soccer or softball/baseball cleats are acceptable.  Metal spikes are not allowed.

Softball Fielding Facemask - You can find softball fielding facemasks (Rip-It or similar) at most sporting goods stores and online.  Facemasks are required to play

Batting Helmet - Each player must have their own batting helmet.  We do have a limited supply that can be loaned, so please reach out to your coach if you would like to borrow one for the season.

  • All helmets require the faceguards
  • Helmets must either be USA Softball or ASA approved
  • All helmets require chinstraps

Softball Fielding Gloves - We recommend buying them early before the season so you can start breaking them in!  Gloves for girls softball are labelled “Fastpitch”.

  • For 6U (Pre-K / K): most players use a 10" glove.
  • For 8U (Grades 1/2): 11” gloves are probably the most popular size, but 10” is perfectly fine if your player already has it and prefers it.  Larger gloves are also acceptable to use.
  • For 10U (Grades 3/4): 11 – 12.5” gloves are standard. 
  • For 12U/15U (Grades 5+), 12-12.5" glove.  Be sure to purchase an "adult" size glove, especially for grades 6+

Softball Bat - Please be sure that the bat is for “Fastpitch” and either USA Softball or ASA approved.

  • The league has plenty of bats if you'd like to try a size or borrow a bat.
  • In most cases, you will want to choose a lighter weight bat for the selected length.  In older divisions, stronger players can benefit from a slightly heavier bat, but in youth softball a lighter bat is typically the better choice for bat speed and control.  Most sporting goods stores can help with correct bat sizing.
IMPORTANT NOTE:  Please clearly mark all of your equipment! Many players will buy the exact same model/colors and there have been mix-ups in the past.  Adding initials to bats, gloves, etc. is an easy way to make sure you go home with your equipment.


Groton Dunstable Youth Softball
P.O. Box 742 
Groton, Massachusetts 01450

Email: [email protected]

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